Therefore, when we heard of the Irish Emigrant of Minority Ethnic Background survey collated by our friends at the Crosscare Migrant Project this month, we knew we had to share as much as possible to our online audiences.
The Crosscare Migrant Project is an incredible non-Governmental organisation providing free information and advocacy for those Irish citizens who are both emigrating and returning home, as well as new emigrant to Ireland. The support they offer is particularly focused on those who are marginalised or in vulnerable situations.
Through this new survey, the first of its kind, they intend to update their learning on this specific demographic, and as a fellow Irish organisation, we want to help them as much as we can by spreading the word.
If you, or someone you know would be happy to take part in the survey,
please click here >
We and our friends at Migrant Crosscare Project would be incredibly grateful and we thank you so much.
If you want to learn more about Crosscare Migrant Project,
please click here >
Thank You!
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