Quality services are at the very heart of all that we do ..

Birmingham Irish quality committed ..

Birmingham Irish provides a free, non-judgemental and confidential service to all communities in and around Birmingham. We aim to provide the best possible service for our clients.
Investors in People badge

Birmingham Irish Association is one of 1,000's of organisations that have been awarded accreditation for their workforce leadership, support and development, as well as delivering effective services and/or products.

What you can expect from us is that we will ..

  • Treat you with respect dignity and courtesy at all times
  • Deal with your enquiry in a timely manner and prioritise cases which are deemed as emergencies
  • Aim to ensure that you wait no longer than 10 working days after your first contact to see an advisor
  • Aim to see you within 10 minutes of your appointment time
  • Respond to your telephone messages, letters, emails and text messages within 3 working days for open cases and 6 working days for new or reopening cases
  • Meet with you at Birmingham Irish Association’s offices or your home, if required. If this is not possible we will provide advice either by telephone, letter or email
  • Refer or signpost you to another organisation that may be able to assist you, if we are unable to help
  • Not discuss your case with any third party unless we have written consent from you (unless required to do so by law) in line with our confidentiality policy
If we cannot meet these expectations we will always provide you with an explanation as to why that is the case.

Copies of our Confidentiality Policy are available at BIA's offices.

Some of the valuable support skills that our staff & volunteers offer ..

Drop-In & Support
Developing and running drop-in activities and advice sessions.
Local Centre's
Utilising venues across the region for easier client accessibility.
Health & Wellbeing
Working to agreed safeguarding, and health & safety procedures.
Social Activities
Organising stimulating, engaging and safe activities & events.
Meet The Team ..
We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers, without whom our work would simply not be possible. 
Birmingham Irish Staff
"We are committed to developing strong lasting relationships through commitment, communication and honesty"

What we expect from clients is that they will ..

  • Treat our staff and volunteers with respect at all times
  • Attend and be on time for any appointments or let us know that they will be late (this may result in having to reschedule the appointment)
  • Keep us up-to-date with their case and with their personal contact details
  • Make contact with us in a timely manner so we can provide appropriate advice
Compliments, comments and complaints ..
We are always working towards improving the service we offer to you and we welcome suggestions and comments. We hope you will never have a cause to complain, but if you do please contact the Chief Executive Officer (see below). 

If your complaint is about a specific staff member, please contact Maurice Malone, Chief Executive Officer by email, maurice@birish.org.uk, or in writing to Birmingham Irish, 45 Alcester Street, Birmingham, B12 0PH. 

To obtain a copy of our compliments, comments and complaints leaflet please ask at reception or call us on 0121 604 6111.
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