Dia daoibh a chairde.
Faoi láthair tá mé ag tabhairt aire do mhadra mo neacht i gConamara.
This week I am dog-minding in Connemara, so I thought I would tell you how to talk about your pets and your favourite animals.
Madra – dog. A working dog would be known as a gadhar (pronounced guy-er). You may also have heard the word cú (pronounced coo) – which is a hound. A puppy is a coileán (pronounced quill-awn) and a guide-dog i a madra treorach.
Cat – cat (Looks the same but is pronounced cuth) A kitten is a puisín! (pronounced pusheen)
luch – mouse (prounced luck) and a rat is a francach (Also the word for a French person when spelt with a capital letter!!)
Iasc óir - gold fish (pronounced eesk ore)
Muc ghuine – guinea pig
coinín – rabbit (pronounced qwineen)
Nathair – snake
Hamstar – hamster
Éan – bird. Is fearr breac sa láimh ná bradán sa linn (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush). However, the irish litereally means, A trout in the hand is better than a salmon in the pool.
Laghairt – lizard
An bhfuil peata agat? Do you have a pet?
Tá/Níl - yes/no
Cén t-ainm atá air/uirthi? What’s his/her name?
Oisín is ainm dó. Salí is ainm di. Oisín/Sally is his/her name
An maith leat madraí? Do you like dogs?
Is maith/ní maith – yes/no
Feicfidh mé sibh go luath – See you soon!
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