A message from Caroline Brogan (outgoing BIA Trustee)

Birmingham Irish • May 23, 2023

It will always be the honour and privilege of my life to have served our wonderful Birmingham Irish community. From the moment I first walked through the doors I was overwhelmed by the kindness around me, and it was immediately clear that I’d found my second family. I will always be fiercely proud and in awe of the marvellous work that the Birmingham Irish Association do.

When I first started volunteering with BIA, over 7 years ago, the plan was just to volunteer now and then with the free legal advice clinics set up by the wonderful Mark Lennon at Irwin Mitchell; providing vital access to justice to those in need. 

The energy and good values that underpin everything BIA do was infectious and I couldn’t help but get more and more involved, from fundraising, to later taking over the management of the free legal advice clinics. I was so proud to be invited, in 2019, to join the BIA Board as a voluntary Trustee. 

A year later, you stood shoulder to shoulder with me when I represented the family of Margaret Keane, pro bono, in their successful landmark legal battle for equality and Irish language rights.
Over the last 7 years, BIA has grown substantially. Our out-reach work has changed the lives of so many wonderful people, particularly the foodbanks provided during the Covid lockdowns. We’ve put BIA firmly on the map and have won so many prestigious awards between us.

Our CEO, Maurice Malone, was appointed by President Michael D. Higgins to the Council of State in Ireland, in recognition of the importance of BIA’s work for the Irish Diaspora.
BIA continues to grow and there are many opportunities for the coming decades. In the circumstances, although my heart can never really leave this place, I do have to reflect on the level of increased responsibility that comes with natural growth and whether, given all the other offices that I hold, whether I can continue to give what you all truly deserve. So, the responsible thing to do is to step back from more official duties with BIA. 

Therefore, with a very heavy heart, I have asked the Board at BIA to accept my resignation as Trustee.

I will never completely step away from BIA as my heart is here and I will still very much be involved with the amazing work we do. In particular, I’m still working with the team on other projects, including events to mark the importance of the 25th anniversary of The Good Friday Agreement; looking back on where we have come and where we are going for the future – so watch this space.

BIA is not just an organisation; it is a charity for the people, by the people. All those who dedicate their work, and volunteer their time are the beating heart of BIA and will always be my dear friends.

Oh, and one more thing… MAYO FOR SAM!!

Le gach dea-ghuí
Caroline Brogan
Caroline Brogan (outgoing BIA Trustee)
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