With home-schooling, online learning and lockdown now becoming the new normal, it's safe to say that current circumstances are taking its toll on everyone, especially our little ones.
Over the last few months, staff at Birmingham Irish Association have been planning a new project with other Irish creatives within the city and our local Catholic primary schools, to aid with pupil's catch up of the National Curriculum whilst spreading knowledge of Irish heritage, traditions and culture.
This specific project is soon to be delivered in a handful of schools across the city, once they are able to reopen, and we are planning to deliver flexible sessions within the spring and summer terms of this year.
If you are a teacher, or are part of a school who would be interested in our sessions, please email jennifer@birish.org.uk for further information.
Welcome to another Birmingham Irish Association news update
We publish news and project updates keeping you up to date with details regarding our services and events, as well as other local developments and other news that will be of interest to our clients as well as other visitors.
John Mulry heads out in our minibus to collect our service users from their homes in the mornings, ensuring that they arrive safely to one of our Dementia centres across the City.
We have always marked St Brigid’s Day within our organisation. On the lead up to February 1st (The feast day of St Brigid) we celebrated in many ways during the week.
At Birmingham Irish, we feel that the beautiful language of Gaelic is an extraordinary gift that should be passed down from generation to generation with immense pride.
Our Funders & Supporters ..
Some of those that Birmingham Irish Association are grateful to ..